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About us

Our History back to 1895

Triton Textile is part of a large diversified group of companies with a history in Asia dating back to 1895.

It dates its origins back to a trade partnership formed in Hong Kong, which has since developed into a family enterprise with businesses throughout Asia, Germany, Denmark and Australia.


Operating in Asia for more than 40 Years

With headquarters in Hong Kong at the heart of Asia, Triton Textile provides comprehensive textile sourcing services to the fashion industry in the West, serving as the interface to producers in Asia.

Member of the Jebsen & Jessen Family Enterprise


Working with
Triton Textile

You will instantly gain access to almost 40 years of garment business relation ships in Asia

Direct benefits of our large buying volume

Export in excess of 60 million pieces of garment annually

Access to a network of carefully selected suppliers

Corporation with more than 90 garment factories in Asia


A Team of Specialists

With our office network in HK, China and Bangladesh

Employing 150 dedicated staff

speaking local language

Specialized in merchandising, technical support, social compliance and managing export documentation


Code of Conduct

Ethical Out-Sourcing

The Group Enjoys long-standing relationships with a stable pool of suppliers, all of whom have proven records and the competence to meet any customer requirements that may arise.

All supply partners work according to our Code of Conduct covering social, chemical and technical compliance, or we work in compliance with individual customer requirements.

SA 8000 certified staff employed in all offices

Corporate Values


We do much more than just take initiative… our results are born from the prudent decisions we make. This enables us to override our personal feelings and focus solely on values, and as a values-driven company we make things happen...!


We are motivated to create, think, and execute in new ways. We take efficiency to far higher levels than our competitors...


We dedicate ourselves to understanding what our customers want. We then act as professional experts on their behalf with their suppliers. We are dedicated to realising our customers’ outsourcing goals in Asia...

About us


Michael B. Schwaegerl
Michael B. SchwaegerlManaging Partner
Kenneth Chung
Kenneth ChungDirector HK & Chief Rep PRC
Gery Emonds
Gery EmondsGeneral Manager Bangladesh
Shamim Ahmed
Shamim AhmedGroup Manager CSR & Sustainability
Triton Textile is providing professional guidance in out-sourcing of ready-made garment production in the most competitive markets in Asia.
© 2025 Triton Textile. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Knut Ingwersen

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